Linking your panel account to Discord

With our custom-made AuroraHosts Discord bot you can link your panel account to your Discord account to control your servers!


1. First you need to log into the panel. Then you'll want to head to your account section, you can find the "profile" icon for this at the top right of your panel. Next you'll want to head to the "API Credentials" section.

2. Next, you'll want to create an API key. Do NOT share this key with anyone, it is almost as valuable as your password! To create the key you can just give it a generic description like, "Discord Bot API Key" and leave the "Allowed IPs" blank.

3. Once you've created the key, you'll need to copy the key because it will never be shown again. Once you've copied it, create a new Discord DM with the AuroraHosts bot and say "?link (api key). You'll need to replace "(api key)" with the key you've copied. If you've done this correctly it should display a successful message and display your servers. You'll now be able to control your server through the AuroraHosts bot dms, we also recommend deleting the API key message from your dms as a security precaution. If this doesn't work you can contact an AuroraHosts staff member for assistance, otherwise do ?help to see all the possible server commands.

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